[CR]Stocking and Glove Neuropathy

(Example: Bike Shops:R.E.W. Reynolds)

From: "Robb Rasmussen" <okmain@hotmail.com>
To: "classicrendezvous@bikelist.org" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Stocking and Glove Neuropathy
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 00:43:27 +0000

reasons for not riding as much as in the past??? My last blood test sh owed a B12 deficiency. The nursesaid something like the numbers should be b etween 2.1 and 9 and mine was 2.4. She told me to buy over the counter B12 vitamins, 1000mcg and takedaily for six months until my next blood test. I was a victim of West Nile Virus in 2003, which caused encepalopathy. Aft er hospitalization and since then, have not really been myself and then h ad an appendectomy last April at age 52. slow recovery. So I am hoping th at getting myself back in line with the B12 vitamins gets me back to bette r health so that I feel like riding again. I am feeling good right now a nd am building some new (to me) campy nuovo record small flange hub wheel set to put on my Sarroni with nr components. and even going to ready my 74 Schwinn paramount. Hoping to ride for many more years. and am inspired by the list members posting about riding and their ages, etc. Robb Rasm ussen Brookings, SD 57006
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> From: biankita@comcast.net> Date: Thu , 21 Jun 2007 19:15:49 -0400> Subject: [CR]Stocking and Glove Neuropathy> > You mentioned that one of the main causes of Stocking and Glove > Neuropat hy is a a B-12 deficiency. You, (posting list member knows who > he is) als o stated that he has no vitamin deficiency. Actually a > vitamin B-12 defic iency is more common than most know. First, B-12 does > not belong to the w ater soluble category of B vitamins. It is > technically not a vitamin at a ll but a mineral (cobalt). The cobalt > (cobalicimin) molecule is so large that the human body only absorbs > this mineral 1) in the presence of somet hing the body produces called > intrinsic factor 2) that the tiny absorbtio n site in the large > intestine is not mucus coated or damaged in some way. The spot where > this mineral can be absorbed is only the size of a half d ollar coin and > then only in the presence of the body's self produced intr insic factor.> > When doctors ask about your diet and discover that you eat well so > therefore probably have no b-12 deficiency, they may have made a n > incorrect assumption. A blood test is needed. Even then, people have > reported excellent improvement in body function with a single injection > o f B-12. It's so cheap that a needle and a dose should cost less than a > do llar. You can get it for a few bucks at any Mexican pharmacy, You can > bri be some pharmacies to sell it to you in the U.S. You can purchase it > mail order (sometimes only vet grade.) You can convince your doctor to > give y ou a shot. One shot, even if you are deficient might last you > five years. The package insert states no known negative effect other > than anaphalact ic shock (rare ... very rare).> > Next time you are in Tijuana, walk into a ny pharmacy, ask for B-12, pay > your 5 bucks and lean over the table behin d the curtain. Watch them use > a disposable needle freshly unwrapped. They always tap the needle while > held upright and squirt the first drop out b efore injecting intra > muscle. Any military medic knows the routine.> > Ga rth Libre in Miami Fl. USA> > _____________________________________________ __> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> http:// http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous

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