The simple and obvious answer is supply and demand. That can change at a ny moment.
Brian Baylis Why the demand? The simple and obvious answer; BECAUSE.
Recently I saw a blue Peugeot PX-10 sell for about $3500 on ebay. I have
two of these with no intention of selling. At that price; I guess I am
crazy! I just don't understand the attraction. They are a fun bike and I
have loved mine. I do not understand that price. Can anyone explain it
to me? They are not a rare handmade custom limited production. they are
certainly not a Masi, Colnago, Hetchins etc.
And they have the screwy french size Reynolds tubing and whiteish plas
tic Simplex derailleurs and generally ordinary Mafac brakes.
Thank you for the help, J.