Re: [CR]principal's office

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

Tom wrote: "...and the larger point is that limiting posts to 3-a-day is silly..."

OK, you are entitled to your opinion about the 3 per day rule being "silly" despite the capo di List (me) having made the rule for specific reasons. Obviously you, Tom, have not been bored by repetitive posts from the same people over and over. A significant number of CR list members have commented to me that they are tired of the same "voices" all the time. So am I.

We have, at last count, over 1400 members while perhaps 30 people do 90 percent of the messaging and 7 or 10 individuals vastly dominate... (Sort like who pays the real taxes,)

Of this last "elite"(?) group, I suspect many have significant more available time to sit at their computers and involve themselves with email writing... That's fine but others do not, and a smaller, more diverse message mix is the goal.

Those who want to write more frequently are more than welcome to use the other boards (BOB list and Serotta have been recommended) or consider doing their own Blog!

Tom also said; " ...provided that all posts carry some weight."

And there is another crucial discrimination to be made! If you are limited to 3 posts, the odds dramatically increase that the content will be carefully considered and "weighty"!

In any case, those are the rules. Please play the game accordingly or go away and quit whining! Ha ha!


Dale Brown Greensboro, NC USA

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

-----Original Message----- From: Tom Dalton <>

Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 07:35:54 To:Classic Rendezvous <> Subject: [CR]principal's office - waking the sleeping dog

Jerry Moos wrote:

That does indeed add up to 5 posts in 24 hours, but that is not 5 posts in a day, at least not as defined by any sane person.

Say I:

Excellent point Jerry! A day can't be defined as 24 hours. Massland is nutso! We all know that each day begins when it's midnight in Big Springs. Just now I went to the archives, clicked on "today" and was stunned to find that there were entries prior to midnight CDT. Imagine, the insanity. It's as though the world is some sort of sphere smoothly rotating on a kind of axis, when we all know the entire universe rotates in discrete 24-hour jumps, around me.

Sorry, Jerry. While I don't quite understand Steven's concern, to dismiss him with this "any sane person" argument is abusrd. As an engineer you are well aware that time domain data can be windowed either continuously or discretely, and we are all aware that this list has global membership. It has occurred to me that Steven is making the point that this whole 3 posts thing is silly. He went to the archives, which, believe it or not, use a running 24 hour window to define a day, and he picked you out as an offender. Clearly you've committed no crime, and the larger point is that limiting posts to 3-a-day is silly, provided that all posts carry some weight.

Tom Dalton Bethlehem, PA, USA

Now we have a new day, so I will respond as I did not last night. Steven's so-called "count" was arrived at by adding to my three posts yesterday two posts from the previous night, one at 11:45 PM, one at 12 minutes past midnight. That does indeed add up to 5 posts in 24 hours, but that is not 5 posts in a day, at least not as defined by any sane person. I didn't count John's posts, but I assume Steven applied the same spin to the facts in his case also.

Fortunately Dale is the Listmeister, and I am confident that Dale, unlike some, knows how to count to 3 or to 5.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX

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