Re: [CR]fixie thing, Whats Wrong with that?

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 16:29:32 -0700
From: "Mitch Harris" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]fixie thing, Whats Wrong with that?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

Bruce is probably right about some portion of the fixie population--people do tend to go along with things. But I see top tube pad stylin' fixie riders putting in lots of miles and using their bikes for utility riding all over town. One thing that seems sure is that riding bikes is so compelling in at of itself, such a fun useful thing that makes people happy, that even some of the fad-followers are going to find themselves cyclists regardless of style.

Mitch Harris Little Rock Canyon, Utah

On Nov 27, 2007 4:10 PM, bruce thomson <> wrote:
> the fixie phenomenon is a typical American social trend that will end up as a flash-in-the pan shelf life. I have seen some of the bikes done locall y, and some too on the net and there seems little to rave about. It is abo ut more of belonging or going along with the fringe crowd., not really ridi ng bikes. Many of these fixies will only ride a few blocks and park at a S tarbucks and hang with the rest of the wannabe's . There are a few who can
   ride and have done well in showing that it is more than being with the 'in ' crowd, but they are not the chain smokers and tattooed fringe element.
> Now what I have seen on the bikes want to have me throw up. Luckily mos t of the grubby little cretins dont get their hands on a classic frame , bu t when they do there seems to be no interest in the history or restoration value of a classic steel frame. I was in a bike shop two weeks ago looking
   for a T.A. extractor for my Reynolds 531 Raleigh and one of the kids with all of the chrome shit hanging off his face offered me $20.00 for the frame . Needless to say I declined. I have seen what those butchers do. They c ut OFF the dérailleur hangers and burn off the drop-outs to have some che ap-ass track lugs crudely brazed one. Thats why when I see the fixie crowd
   I want to take a shower. The idea of receiving these frames back from them
   is highly unlikely. Most will undoubtedly be tossed and the next fad pick ed up. BT
> wrote: I have been reading the fixie thread with s ome interest. I do visit the
> fixed gear gallery often, not just because it is run by a fellow
> Michigander. I have noticed the phenomenon Larry Myers describes below:
> expensive parts on very cheap frames. I have also noticed a number of
> bikes that are clearly built with whatever the owner could find. If
> someone learns more about bikes, and how to work on them, by converting a n
> old 10 speed into a fixie, what's wrong with that? I know I learned a lo t
> just by messing around with my 3 speed english racer, trying to make it
> more like a 10 speed. If, like Larry, you own a bike store and an idiot
> comes in to buy a Dura-Ace crank for a Schwinn Continental, sure he's an
> idiot, but at least he's in the shop paying for something.
> I view fixed gear bikes as being on the same continuum we are on with our
> vintage multi-speed bikes. We give up something in pure
> functionality--our bikes are heavier, with fewer gears, and they are
> harder to shift than modern bikes. But we gain something in esthetics,
> ease of maintenance, nostaligia, simplicity, exclusivity, and riding
> pleasure. Fixed gear bikes can provide people with the same feeling. I
> don't want to open up the "are modern bikes better?" debate. I enjoy the
> feeling that I am riding something special, something that is not for
> everybody. I get that from both my geared and fixed bikes.
> Growing up in Chicago, which is as flat as it gets, I wanted a 10 speed,
> but never really had a good answer to the question "why do you need so
> many speeds?" Here in Detroit, it is almost as flat, and sometimes I fin d
> that the 52-20 I have on my converted Cinelli (yes I left the hanger
> intact) is just right.
> Best regards,
> Marcus Helman
> Huntington Woods, MI
> I read with interest your posting to the CR list.....unfortunately, I do
> not see happening where I live, what you described as happening where you
> live.... Portland, Oregon is a hotbed of bike 'happeningness';
> unfortunately, it seems to be kind of a closed loop here....local hipster s
> think nothing of dropping $500 on wheels to put on a Sears 'Free Spirit'
> frame ; nor do they put any thought into proper gearing, sizing, or
> positioning....I work in a local shop that services this crowd, and to pu t
> it honestly, I want to vomit over some of the machines that I have to sen d
> out...well-meaning talks about the above-mentioned subjects are met with
> hostility or carefully affected slacker 'don't care, doesn't matter' blan k
> stares.
> While I am glad to see youngsters riding, rather than driving, I also
> sadly fail to see the future of our sport in any of this is
> completely fashion-driven; there are no future Lance Armstrongs, Gibby
> Hattons, or Marty Nothsteins to be found in this so-called 'Keirin
> Culture' (most of them cannot even pronounce 'Keirin' correctly, and 90%
> of them smoke)....personally, I look forward to this fad's inevitable
> bust; then I will be able to liberate these sadly misused frames from
> their former owners, and then pass them on to more appreciative users.
> Feeling extra grumpy & curmudgeonly,
> Larry Myers
> Portland, OR, USA
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