I assure anyone that feels threatened by the fixed gear crowd that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. No deoderant? Unwashed? Unsafe biking practices? Cutting off brazeons and dropouts? None of these threaten the planet or your safety but they might threaten your sensibilities. Those bikes are theirs to destroy. My generation was once accused of being smelly too (myself included). They risk their own lives not yours and they are generally not known for committing criminal acts either (except for victimless crimes). When I see the fixed gear crowd screaming through the boulevard, I think of other people who are died in the wool conformists and have no conciousness of the consequences of their actions. There's were the real threat lies. The fixed gear crowd on the other hand will perhaps be our best hope for survival. It's worth the sacrifice of a few bikes in the process of their development. One thing for sure ... they won't be cannibalizing my bikes. And yes they do ride rather fast, and they are rather skilled. I find we have lots of common ground. .. the love of steel.
Garth Libre in Miami Fl.