Having been to Bob's shop, Davis, CA is a perfect match for fixies unless you want to venture east into the Sierra.
Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA
On 11/27/07 11:14 PM, "robert st.cyr" <rpstcyr@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have observed a sharp spike upwards of students riding fixies on the ca
> us. Most of the bikes are low-end lugged frames from the 70's and 80's. C
> pping off braze-ons and derailleur hangers is common as is funky decals a
> rattle can paint jobs. Most have miss-matched parts and only a single br
> e. I don't like the chopping and hacking, especially on a collectable bik
> but I do like the shift away from mountain bikes. My shop sells used bik
> primarily, with the best sellers being the road bikes(when I can get the
> . Three years ago I had a hard time selling a road bike. I have converted
> few bikes for customers, but most like to do it themselves. I agree with
> ed Baer's comments, especially about these fixie people being cheap skate
> However, the students smell better and we don't have an abundance of dru
> ies on campus.
> Robert(triple cranks)St.Cyr
> ASUCD Bike Barn
> Davis, Ca. USA
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