RE: [CR]LEMOND Hinault LOOK bike

(Example: Framebuilders:Mario Confente)

From: <>
To: <>
References: <> <> <013b01c827d1$9841b3f0$0300a8c0@D1>
Subject: RE: [CR]LEMOND Hinault LOOK bike
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:40:28 -0800
In-Reply-To: <013b01c827d1$9841b3f0$0300a8c0@D1>
thread-index: AcgnzXVPPluJnGSOT+mH5CjKcvbRMQAArpXAAAGe6EA=

Let me rephrase this. If anyone has some photos or old Bicycling magazines, or other periodicals from around 1984, 85 showing Lemond or Hinault on their white Look bikes, please let me know if you can help. I checked out the Flicker pages of the 85 Coors Classic and it appears that they didn't ride that bike there ( I was wrong), and rode the silver Huffys (Serotta repaints) instead. But pics from the 85 Tour seem to be the ones I need. I'm sure there were other races too. I know Lemond liked to ride a lot of Mavic stuff back then and I would like to know if he or Hinault equipped their bikes with super record, early C-Record prototypes, or all Mavic? The blurry pics I have seen appear to show Mavic on some and possibly Campy on others.

-Dee Gordon
Los Angeles