From: "Eric Elman"
>I've been doing more sorting and will soon be posting to the CR list
>numerous (~10) on topic wheelsets accumulated over >the years. Any
advice on
>the best way(s) to package and ship a set of wheels?
>Thanks in advance,
>Eric Elman
>Somers, CT USA
Perhaps I'm spoiled because I work for a large retail shop, but the best
way to package wheelsets is in wheelset-specific boxes, which are the
right size and shape and have well-designed internal spacers. At
Machinery Row Bicycles, we sell Bontrager and Zipp wheelsets, and both
companies use very good boxes which can be easily re-used. Check with a
large retailer that carries one or both of those brands. Let them know
you want wheelset boxes and are willing to wait for them.
If you are shipping several wheelsets to the same address, the box from
a U.S. made carbon fiber Trek will hold three or four sets of wheels and
protect them will if you wrap them in enough bubble wrap to keep them
from rattling around.
With either box, I've had success with FedEx ground, but, as always,
your mileage may vary.
Earle Young,
Madison, WI