It looks like the small ring might be intended for the shifter clamp bolt to pass through, in lieu of the usual brazed-on stop. A nice touch, as it is totally hidden by the clamp and centers the clamp as well, but the owner chose to mount the clamp a little lower. I don't know who made the frame.
David Snyder
Auburn, CA usa
> Dear bicycle Folks,I tried to identify this frame, but it's hard to
> compare
> it with other bikes on wooljersey (for example)The original colour was gre
> en/blau, they painted it red.Does anybody know the brand of this frame?...
...Well, it looks like a very interesting frame, there also a very strange
> detail by the lower tube, a smallring is welded there, just above the shif
> ters, what is it doing there?If anybody has an idea what kind of bike this
> could be i would be very happy,thanxArno VolkersEindhovenlaan 3Den