+++++++++++++++++++++++ My '71 Speciale Corsa, S/N 6831 has no eyelets or fender braze-on on the chainstay bridge. It has DT decals.
The 1973 I sold had eyelets and a chainstay bridge fitting for fender mount. I did not have DT decals.
There seems to have been some variability in this specification. :-)
harvey sachs mcLean va
On 7/21/07, Greg S <gtsoftley@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
>> Hi Crew,
>> Can anyone Cinelli-istas out there give me a rough guide as to which
>> year Cinelli stopped using fender eyelets in their drop-outs for the SC.
>> My 1972 doesnt have them but my 1958 does, as does my Mod B. <snip>