Tim Gunn wrote:
Just picked up a very interesting frameset. Similar to Waller, but the fransfers on it say" 'Wholler' French model. The
frame has been painted and these transfers have been added, underneath is what looks like the remains of the original red paint & lining. The
frame has only a short seat post and also simlular to Baines. The front forks have a nice peice of lug work down the top on both sides. It does
have a continental look about it.
Any ideas?
A link to some photo's is here:
The frameset will probably eventually be for sale once I know what it is.
Tim Gunn
I think someone has been having a bit of a larf here when they repainted it. To my eyes it looks exactly like my Waller Kingsland, pictures of which you can see at:
Peter Brown, Lincolnshire, England