Re: [CR]1974 Motobecane Grand Record- tubular tire period correctness, does it matter?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 13:36:41 -0600
From: "Mitch Harris" <>
To: "John Wood" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]1974 Motobecane Grand Record- tubular tire period correctness, does it matter?
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Not what you asked, so sorry for the drift, but I agree with Seth and John that you should reconsider selling it if possible. I ride the 1975 Gitane Racing Team (TdF) I bought in new as an adolescent. As much as I appreciated having a good bike with full 531 DB, etc., I really wanted Campagnolo N.R., Columbus, and Masi/DeRosa/Cinelli and tended to under-appreciate the Gitane for years. Converted it in the early 80s to a fixed gear after I got my next (I thought better) bike and the Gitane bacame my hack in the rain and snow for many years. Later I didn't need it as a hack (had what I thought were better hacks) and appreciated it still less. A few years ago I set it up again with its Huret Jubilee stuff and was delighted in the ride and the fit (it fits me with the 70s fistfull of seatpost showing way) and performance. Last summer I did a mild restoration with new professional paint (its fourth pain job--two of them rattle can jobs) and NOS decals. Riding it and having it holds a special charm to me now 30+ years later, and the charm is not all nostalgia but seems like there is something about having a solid connection to youth. Another identical Gitane wouldn't be the same thing.

But then, I tend to hold on to certain things--I still have the Galibier Vercors alpine climbing boots I bought about the same year. They still fit, and they're still warm, don't leak, hold crampons fine, and have recently taken be up several alpine routes.

Mitch Harris Little Rock Canyon, Utah, USA

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:19 AM, John Wood <> wrote:
> I agree with Jerry on both points, but foremost would urge you to strongly
> consider keeping the bike for the sentimental value. I sold off my first
> "dream bike", a 1980 Bianchi, in the early 90's to a friend of mine, and I
> have been trying to get it back for a long time now. I think we finally
> have a trade worked out for a 1980 Woodrup, which I also really like and
> hate to give up. The Woodrup is a better frame, fits me better, and I
> really enjoy riding it. Such is the price of sentiment, at least for us
> sentimental types.
> --
> John Wood
> Washington Island, Wisconsin, USA
> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Charles King <>
> wrote:
>> I am the proud owner of a 1974 Motobecane Grand Record. I purchased this
>> bike in high school and am in the process of cleaning it up after many
>> years
>> of non-use. The bike has not been ridden since approximately the mid-80s
>> when I purchased a De Rosa.
>> I will probably try to sell the Motobecane, but have almost offered it for
>> sale several times in the past. Needless to say, this was my first good
>> bike and it holds great sentimental value for me, but I can't escape the
>> reality that, mostly because of fit issues, I prefer to ride my other
>> bikes.
>> The Motobecane is all original, except for the seat post which I had to
>> replace when the original broke in half. The bike came with tubular wheels
>> which I still have. In the early 80s, I purchased a pair of steel clincher
>> wheels when the cost of replacing tubular tires after frequent flats became
>> too costly for me. If I sell the bike, I will put the tubular wheels back
>> on. Both tires had flats when I put on the clinchers, so I will have to
>> buy
>> new tubular tires. Repair is an option for only one tire; I threw the
>> other one away.
>> Here is my question for you collectors out there: do I need to find period
>> correct tubular tires, or will a modern set suffice? In other words, how
>> much of a difference will the period correctness of the tires matter to
>> a typical collector/purchaser of this kind of bike? I know it's a matter
>> of
>> opinion, but I'd be appreciative if you would share your opinion.
>> Thanks.
>> Charles King
>> Westchester County, New York
>> USA