Re: [CR]fastback stays .... how to?

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: <>
To: Ben Kamenjas <>,
Subject: Re: [CR]fastback stays .... how to?
Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 01:24:23 +0000

I am a fan of fastback stays. Simple and great for those with over developed thighs. Of the "shot in" type, I think the Raleigh Pro is a bit rough compared to Hetchins but my favorite is, of course, my Jim Redcay is

Of the type with the bolt through the stay structure, (Ben's subject) (which is really a Cinelli type) I would point toward McLean Fonvielle for his incredible "blind" treatment.

Look at


for the master. Yes, my Silk Hope was like this and , like a fool, I sold it. Waaaah!

Joe Bender-Zanoni Whitneyville, CT
   -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: Ben Kamenjas <>
> Coolio's,
> I was wondering about the fastback stays (is that what they're called?)
> on this raleigh pro being sold downunder. More specifically ...
> wondering how they're made assembled? And if there is plus or minus to
> doing such an arrangement other than aesthetics? Any special lugs
> needed or can such be fashioned to any seat lug with an adiitional
> sleeve or widget?
> you'll see what i' asking for in the last pic of the below ebay auction
> >>
> or item # 220238599516
> Something about the way the seat stays join really appeals to my eye's
> ... I know cinelli's had a similar fitting but with a wider bolt?
> thanks, ciao
> Ben Kamenjas
> Kensingon, NSW
> Australia