RE: [CR]Campy chain ring protector and Raleigh Pro

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

From: "Thomas Dockery" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Campy chain ring protector and Raleigh Pro
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 17:30:11 +0000
In-Reply-To: <a06240808c3a56a117386@[]>
References: <>

I have often wonder why manufacturers would add these to the cranksets. I am not sure they add any real value. I will admit I have only seen high en d versions on Raleighs. Aside from those shown in this catelog, I personal ly had on my first "real" bike. It was a Raleigh Supercourse from the 76 t imeframe. It was a very interesting bike in that came from the factory equ iped with a complete French drive line. It had those wonder Huret Jubee's front, rear and shifters too. The crankset was a Stronglight 93. I loved t hese pieces, they seemed to be polished like jewery. Back to chain guards. The Stronglight 93 crank was basically a triple, but the outer ring was th e amazing chain guard which looked like unfinished chain ring stock, meanin g same cut outs, same thickness, just no teeth. I still have this guard, I thought it was a work of art.

Tom Dockery Los Altos, CA> Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 09:15:02 -0800> To:;> From:> Subject: [CR ]Campy chain ring protector and Raleigh Pro> > Hi Don & All,> > Don sent th is web page:> 1_pro_superbe.jpg> > The first picture shows a Camy chain ring protector (n ot the cog set > protector).> I have a Raleigh Pro and it too has a Campy c hain ring protector.> Are these rare?> Were they to protect the chain from derailing or from getting grease > on the pants?> > Thanks,> > Paul> > Paul
   J. Wilson Temecula, California> > At 3:18 PM -0800 1-4-08, Donald Gillies wrote:> >The 1979 models were supposed to be painted like this :> >> > > >h ttp:// pg> >> >However, I think that what you actually have is a "Raleigh> >Profes sional" made-for-the-UK frameset. It's built in the same> >Carlton shop (Wo rksop, England) on the same jigs as the USA models, it> >just has different
   paint and decals.> >> >- Don Gillies> >San Diego, CA, USA> >> >___________ ____________________________________> >Classicrendezvous mailing list> >Cla> > sicrendezvous> > > -- > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --->
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