Re: [CR]Putting the Record seatpost on a diet

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

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From: "Phil Brown" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Putting the Record seatpost on a diet
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 20:39:57 -0700

On Oct 13, 2008, at 6:20 PM, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
> Personally, I never particularly liked the Record two-bolt post or its
> clon
> es.  They are a real pain to install a saddle on, what with reaching
> unde
> r the saddle with the wrench and all.  I much prefer the Simplex post
> or
> a Brooks seat clamp or a one bolt later Campy post, where the bolts
> are act
> ually accessible.  The one thing you can say for a Campy Record post
> is t
> hat once you have the saddle properly installed, you can make tiny
> adjustme
> nts, thus its moniker as "microadjusting".  I guess one theory about
> the
> popularity of the Record post In The Day is the same as for a lot of
> other Campy gear, i.e. it was what Eddy Merckx used.  Eddy, of course,
> pr
> obably because of his back problems, was constantly  messing with his
> sad
> dle position, so the micro adjusting Campy post was perfect for him,
> his po
> or mechanics, of course, having had the task of setting the damn thing
> up i
> n the first place.

I've been using a Snap On 12 point 10mm offset box wrench for years and

never have a problem.
Phil Brown
Nice tonight in Berkeley, Calif.