Re: [CR]Threats related to ebay by CR listmembers

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

From: "ehbusch" <>
To: <>, "CR" <>, "John Betmanis" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Threats related to ebay by CR listmembers
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 21:39:34 -0500

Speeking of sleeping dogs. How about letting this dog go to bed for the night since I personally don't see where this has anything to do with vintage bikes. I also thought there was a three post limit...Enough is enough.....

Ed Busch
Vonore, Tennessee-USA

----- Original Message -----
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos
To: CR

<> Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 8:25 PM Subject: Re: [CR]Threats related to ebay by CR listmembers

> Exactly. The 30 day deadline puts buyers on a different continent in an
> impossible position. Either file the complaint at the deadline, when the
> goods may yet arrive, or fail to file and forfeit all rights. I've neve
> r filed a complaint against a fellow CR member and hopefully I wiil never
> d
> o so. But Steven has no problem retaliating against a fellow member on b
> ehalf of a total stranger who never asked for his involvement. Reminds m
> e of a Chinese proverb much quoted during the Vietnam War: "He who meddl
> es in a quarrel not his own is like he who kicks a sleeping dog."
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Big Spring, Texas, USA
> --- On Sat, 11/29/08, John Betmanis <> wrote:
> From: John Betmanis <>
> Subject: Re: [CR]Threats related to ebay by CR listmembers
> To: "CR" <>
> Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 6:54 PM
> At 10:41 AM 29/11/2008 -0800, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:
>>So what rational person would block from bidding someone who has constiste
> n
>>tly not only performed his obligations, but also overlooked the other pers
> o
>>n's slow performance in delivering? Good question. The only thing I
> c
>>an imagine is that Steve did make good on a threat - now that we are talki
> n
>>g about threats - to block me that he made several years ago, when I was f
> o
>>rced to file a PayPal complaint 1 day before the deadline for such complai
> n
>>ts, when eBay purchases I had made from Germany failed to arrive after 29
> d
>>ays, 30 days being the deadline for PayPal complaints. The German selle
> r
>> stated he had shipped the goods, but could not provide any sort of confir
> m
>>ation, and I had never dealt with him before. So I was not in a positio
> n
>> to simply trust that the goods would arrive as I have done more than once
>>for CR members in Europe, and by the way, European CR members have always
> c
>>ome through with the goods.
>>So I reluctantly filed the complaint just before the deadline, as to fail
> t
>>o do so would have forfeited all my rights to recovery through PayPal.
> T
>>he goods did finally arrive after about 45 days, two weeks beyond the dead
> l
>>ine, after I had received a not quite full refund through PayPal. I imm
> e
>>diately returned the refund to the seller, stating that I regretted that t
> h
>>e 30 day deadline imposed by PayPal had forced me to file the complaint wh
> e
>>n I did.
> So I take it you were blocked because you were a "complainer". Nobody
> can
> blame you for opening a PayPal dispute before the deadline expired,
> especially if the cost of the undelivered goods was substantial. In my
> opinion, the deadline for transactions should be 90 days, not 30. A year
> ago I won a frame on one of Hilary Stone's auctions and it didn't
> arrive
> until well over a month, closer to two. I checked Hilary's feedback and
> saw
> that most from North America was about a month after bidding ended, so
> expecting delivery within PayPal's 30 day deadline would have been
> ludicrous. He most certainly didn't ship my frame within the 10 days he
> claims in his auctions and the fact the British postal service was on
> strike at the time didn't help. Since Hilary is a known and trusted
> seller,
> I didn't even think about raising a PayPal dispute inside the 30 days. On
> another occasion I'd won some brake levers from a French eBay seller. They
> never did arrive and when I contacted him he said he'd trace them, but
> never got back to me. That one I just wrote off because it was less than
> $20. I couldn't dispute it because it was long past 30 days. Like I said,
> the 30 day deadline is ridiculous. It should be 60, if not 90 days.
> John Betmanis
> Woodstock, Ontario
> Canada