Re: [CR]Bike Lane Thoughts?

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 22:03:06 -0700
From: <>
To: Sadiq Gill <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Bike Lane Thoughts?
References: <>
cc: CR <>
cc: CR

Be quite honest, I don't particulary care for bike lanes...

When driving slower than cars I create an imaginary line 5 feet out from parked

cars on the right and follow. If needed I'll take an entire lane entire lane until some danger or limitation passes. If I'm followed by a lot of cars in a single lane - I pull over and let them pass as is typically required under vehicle codes for ANY vehicle.

I separate freeway entrances such that thru traffic passes on my right and freeway entering traffic pass on my right.

If going same speed or fast than regular traffic - especially on downhills - I take and entire lane for myself - as any vehicle is allowed to do under the codes.

Some Police departments will use bicycle lanes AGAINST YOU THE CYCLIST.

"You left the lane too soon - moving violation..." "You took a lane too slow in our opinion - moving violation..." "You rode abreast instead of single file in the bicycle lane...moving violaton"

In other words, be careful what you ask for. You might just get "jailed" into the bicycle lane you asked for when the simpler solution may just be to exercise and enjoy the existing rights you have as just another vehicle on our public roads.

Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA

Quoting Sadiq Gill <>:
> Dear Lists:
> I live in a City with no dedicated bike lanes in the City or elsewhere. I
> have somewhat of an ear with some City planner people and am pondering a
> bike lane initiative.I am soliciting comments from members who live in bike
> laned cities.
> How extensive a network?
> How were they created? (sidewalks, remove on street parking, naturally wide
> roads?)
> How well used are they?
> Does other traffic respect the lanes?
> Is there any noticeable tangible imapct on urban livability (say in
> comparison to subway systems where properties near stops increase in value?)
> How long did the system take to create?
> Any other salient comments?
> Thanks in advance.......
> --
> Sadiq Gill
> Richmond, Virginia
> US&A
> Latitude: 37.58
> Longitude: -77.51472
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