Oops...sorry about my earlier typo...
thru traffic on the LEFT - freeway entrance traffic to the right
Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA
Quoting Sadiq Gill <sadiqgill@gmail.com>:
> Dear Lists:
> I live in a City with no dedicated bike lanes in the City or elsewhere. I
> have somewhat of an ear with some City planner people and am pondering a
> bike lane initiative.I am soliciting comments from members who live in bike
> laned cities.
> How extensive a network?
> How were they created? (sidewalks, remove on street parking, naturally wide
> roads?)
> How well used are they?
> Does other traffic respect the lanes?
> Is there any noticeable tangible imapct on urban livability (say in
> comparison to subway systems where properties near stops increase in value?)
> How long did the system take to create?
> Any other salient comments?
> Thanks in advance.......
> --
> Sadiq Gill
> Richmond, Virginia
> US&A
> Latitude: 37.58
> Longitude: -77.51472
> _______________________________________________
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