Re: [CR]CLB2 Centerpull brakes: Anyone ever see these?

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:21:06 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR]CLB2 Centerpull brakes: Anyone ever see these?
From: "Elton Pope-Lance" <>
To: Daniel Gonzalez <>, CR List <>
Thread-Topic: [CR]CLB2 Centerpull brakes: Anyone ever see these?
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> I just bought, via Ebay, a set of CLB2 centerpulls said to be NOS from
> the 70's (Ebay item 140204087489)
> 140204087489 [IMAGE]
> The only info I can find via Google is this, from a mans website
> description of his Riv Atlantis that has the brakes mounted: "CLB2 Super
> Luxe centerpulls with titanium straddle wire/return spring. Very cool and
> unusual. Kool Stop Dura holders with salmon pads"

That would be my custom Riv - the Atlantis takes cantilevers.
> These are quite beautiful and have opposing castings that I'll have to
> photograph and link to for explanation and general oogling. I'll try to
> get that done tomorrow.
> I'd very much like to know anything I can about these brakes: Weights,
> reach, made for?, original hanger style?, made of?. Might someone please
> oblige?

They are interesting brakes. 57mm reach. They appear to be alloy, with a titanium-like finish. Because of the unusual castings you mentioned, they are self actuating, kind of like the Suntour XCPro cantilevers were. I haven't weighed them but can do so and report back unless someone else has that info. The straddle wires are not removable and the hangers in the photos appears to be original. IFIRC, I removed them from the bike them because the the front brake is different (narrower) than the rear. It didn't provide enough clearance to mount the 43mm Honjos I wanted to use without modifying the fender. You can almost see this on the one on the left in the eBay listing.

I'd be curious to know what others can offer, especially about the titaniuum bits claim. I was told this by Sheldon, when I purchased them from Harris several years ago - but don't know for sure. I think I may have the original directions in French - will check that also.

Elton Pope-Lance
Sudbury, MA


> Thanks,

> Danny Gonzalez