Hi CRfolks, I've been on this list for almost 10 years and read the weekly
archives, I don't post much. But after getting through Morgan's backup of
requests I've got my Nervex lugged Eisentraut custom (unpainted shots too)
and Limited up on on his WoolJersey site. Link is: http://www.wooljersey.com/
1991 by Cyclart, but there are shots as it has grown up with various compo
nents. I'm going back with a set of 61's, and all Campy except for my Rall
y (which I LOVE on every bike). Glad to see GPVB back on the list and thank
s to all of you who continue to post!! Regards, Bruce VanRemortelNeedham, M
A, USA, 15 degrees and 8" of new snowDreaming of a Spring thaw...
Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with sta
r power.