RE: [CR]Handbuilt Show! Classic Rendezvous group breakfast gathering / Recyclery gathering

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

From: "Jon Fischer" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Handbuilt Show! Classic Rendezvous group breakfast gathering / Recyclery gathering
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 08:41:14 -0600
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

Sounds like a great plan to me Dale! I'm staying a couple blocks from the Convention Center at the La Quinta Inn and a good breakfast Saturday mornin g will certainly be what is in order. With the time change I'll certainly be ready for good by that time too. Look forward to seeing everyone out th ere starting tomorrow.

Also want to extend my early thanks to Larry for opening up his shop to the CR crowd for the evening get together. Thanks for the directions and bus numbers. I'll have a car out there this weekend, but will try to catch the bus down as to ensure as much open space for everyone else. Having it rig ht across the street from the Lucky Lab is a stroke of luck for me as anoth er gathering I'm expected at will be centered there. Since I'm packing lig ht and only taking a carry-on for me I guess I'll have to bring cash instea d of trades with me. I have a feeling that airport security might view som e bicycle parts as potential weapons.

If you see this guy walking around the show, or anywhere else this weekend, give me a shout: n_P2052683.JPG

Jon Fischer Dallas, Tx

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om |
> To:> Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 14:54:39 -0500

> From:> Subject: [CR]Handbuilt Show! Classic Rendezvous gr
oup breakfast gathering> > > I have been struggling to think of an angle to
get our crowd together at this show, and the "social activities" are so fa
st & furious it seemed an impossible thought...> Then I remembered what we
have successfully done at InterBike (thanks again to Mark Ritz & Kinetic Co
ffee!) > and I am now proposing:> > A group Breakfast gathering!> Saturday,
Feb 9th> 8:30 AM (the show opens at 10 AM)> At "The Cafe 10-2-1" > in the
Red Lion Hotel, Convention Center location.> > Come if you can!!> > > > > >
Dale Brown> cycles de ORO Bike Shop> 1410 Mill Street> Greensboro, North C
arolina 27408 USA> 336-274-5959>> http://www.classic >>>>> > > > > > > > > > > > > _________
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