[CR]pricing old bikes (was re: inappropriate questions)

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 13:19:42 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: <chasds@mindspring.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]pricing old bikes (was re: inappropriate questions)

Dale wrote, in part:

So, Max, you could expect replies like "Great deal grab it!" to "I saw one at a swap meet last week for $100.00" Of course this last part could be true just like there are a lot of incredible deals items sold by folks either not knowing true worth ot wanting cash fast... But in the end, the real answer is, if he likes it, understands what it is, and can afford the asking price, he should buy it.


Well, maybe, maybe not. Price seems high to me. But for a bike of that sort, I'd be bringing my craggiest cheapskate 'tude.

Which suggests that the real answer to the question is: *it all depends.*

Charles Andrews Los Angeles

(from this cheapskate's corner, the highest reasonable price for a bike like that, given the current market, is probably 300-400 bucks--and even THAT seems high to me, looking at it..)

(I've always been confounded by the low price that many nice British bikes sell for here in the US. There are a tiny number of marques that command fatter sums...but most do not.)