[CR]Price check requested

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: Tom Sanders <tesanders@comcast.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:21:51 -0400
Thread-Index: AciQSDCJjQBuJRUCQlarx3pfRwrEJg==
Subject: [CR]Price check requested

The price that one can expect to pay for an item is a legitimate concern and I'd like to suggest to folks seeking such information to check the archives and see which members seem to post about the brand or type of item one is concerned about. Then drop a line, off list, to those members and see if they will give you the benefit of their experience. Newcomers will usually be surprised by the generosity of CR members in sharing their experiences.

That way we can avoid the types of trolling or other sales practices that Dale has wisely set up the rules to avoid, and still usually get a pretty good idea of what one might expect to buy or sell an item of interest for.

Usually this occurs with newer members, as us old timers have encountered it so often.it is also a good way to start forming some networks of folks with similar interests on the list. Most new folks are surprised to learn how much off list communication there is between many of us with similar interests.

Tom Sanders

Lansing, Michigan USA