[CR]Another Lot Of Vintage Bicycling / Bike World Articles Posted Online

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Falck)

From: "R.S. Broderick" <rsb000@hotmail.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 06:04:43 -0500
Thread-Index: AciCnotRhS5poAJ+RQm1IIUEEglykw==
Subject: [CR]Another Lot Of Vintage Bicycling / Bike World Articles Posted Online

It has been a long, cold winter out here in the "Frozen Flatlands" - leaving me ample opportunity to give the trusty old scanner a good workout. As a result, I have recently completed digitizing and posting to WoolJersey yet more vintage cycling related materials culled from the likes of Bicycling and Bike World magazines. In particular, the following articles have been added to existing online resources and are now available for public perusal:

Maintenance / Repair / Miscellaneous Technical Information:

Evolution Of The Pedal (Bicycling 1969-03)

How A Front Derailleur Works (Bicycling 1970-07)

Bearing Maintenance (Bicycling 1971-01)

Proper Wheel Alignment (Bicycling 1971-03)

The Custom Bicycle - Part 4 - Finding Spare Parts (Bicycling 1971-11)

The Custom Bicycle - Part 5 - Wheel & Tire Sizes (Bicycling 1971-12)

The Design Of The Bicycle (Bike World 1972-02)

All About Brake Mechanisms (Bike World 1972-02)

How To Use Your Gears (Bike World 1972-02)

Bicycle Stability - Part 1 (Bicycling 1972-05)

Andrew's Hub Modification (Bicycling 1972-08)

Bike Maintenance: Rim Problems (Bike World 1972-08)

The Right Components (Bike World 1972-08)

Dealing With Derailleurs At Home (Bicycling 1973-02)

Wheel And Bracket Bearing Adjustment (Bicycling 1973-02)

Getting To Know Your Frame (Bike World 1973-02)

Custom-Made Bicycles (Bike World 1973-02)

That Important Stop (Bike World 1973-02)

Converting From Simplex To Campy (Bike World 1973-02)

How About A Tandem? (Bike World 1973-02)

Converting A Track Bike (Bike World 1973-02)

Plotting And Mounting A Proper Gear Chart (Bicycling 1973-03)

All About 3-Speeds (Bicycling 1973-03)

Pedaling Rates And Gear Sizes (Bicycling 1973-03)

Polishing Alloy Parts (Bicycling 1973-04)

Product Reports: Huret Jubilee / Allvit (Bicycling 1973-04)

Your Touring Bike (Bike World 1973-04)

A Camping Bike (Bike World 1973-04)

How & Why Of Lubrication (Bike World 1973-04)

Inside A Bicycle Factory (Bike World 1973-04)

On Making A Tandem (Bike World 1973-04)

Repairing Frayed Cables (Bicycling 1973-06)

All About Cranks (Bicycling 1973-06)

Reconditioning A Bike - Part 1 (Bicycling 1973-10)

Reconditioning A Bike - Part 2 (Bicycling 1973-11)

The Racing Bike (Bicycling 1973-11)

All About Brakes (Bicycling 1973-11)

Reconditioning A Bike - Part 3 (Bicycling 1973-12)

Conquering A Hard Leather Saddle (Bicycling 1973-12)

The Great Tube Controversy (Bicycling 1974-08)

How To Spray Paint Your Bicycle - Part 1 (Bicycling 1976-09)

How To Spray Paint Your Bicycle - Part 2 (Bicycling 1976-10)

Details On The Lambert Bicycle Fork (Bicycling 1977-10)

Thoughts On Chains (Bicycling 1977-12)

Road Tests / Reviews

Hi-E Cosmopolitan (Bicycling 1971-01)

Masi Gran Criterium (Bicycling 1971-03)

Raleigh International & Professional (Bicycling 1972-04)

Nishiki Safari (Bicycling 1972-05)

Fuji Road Racer (Bicycling 1972-07)

Schwinn Sport Tourer (Bike World 1972-08)

Colnago (Bike World 1972-08)

1972 Bicycle Showcase (Bicycling 1972-10)

Corso (Bicycling 1972-10)

Lambert (Bicycling 1972-10)

Lambert / Viking / Reg Harris (Bicycling 1972-11)

Witcomb, Ltd. (Bicycling 1972-11)

Falcon San Remo (Bicycling 1972-11)

Ficelle Racer (Bicycling 1972-12)

Mondia Special (Bicycling 1972-12)

Raleigh Professional (Bike World 1973-02)

Italvega Super Speciale (Bicycling 1973-03)

Peugeot PX 10 (Bicycling 1973-03)

Fuji Special Road Racer (Bicycling 1973-04)

Crescent Pepita Special (Bicycling 1973-04)

Schwinn Paramount Professional (Bike World 1973-04)

The Original Plastic Bike (Bicycling 1973-06)

Pegasus (Bicycling 1973-06)

Hetchins Racing / Touring (Bicycling 1973-06)

Motobecane Le Champion (Bicycling 1973-10)

Harris Vertical (Bicycling 1973-10)

The Bike Shops of Paris (Bicycling 1973-11)

Sutter Sport Deluxe (Bicycling 1973-11)

Windsor Carrera Sport (Bicycling 1973-12)

Fuji Take-Apart (Bicycling 1974-11)

Trade Show / Expos

New York International Cycle Show (Bicycling 1971-08)

New York International Cycle Show (Bicycling 1972-04)

Paris Show Salon de Bicyclette (Bicycling 1973-12)

Anaheim Bicycle Dealer Showcase (Bicycling 1977-04)

Please note that in the process of adding these latest postings, I found it necessary to "rearrange" a precious few previously existing WoolJersey albums. As a result, anyone who saw fit to bookmark or otherwise establish a hyperlink to those corresponding entries may wish to confirm validity of same as there is a very small chance that these may have been impacted. I apologize for any inconvenience begot of my efforts and hope that everyone understands that I always to strive to minimize the occurrence of such reorganizations. In order to access this catalog of information, please use the following link:


Once you have accessed the high level album using the link provided above, click on the "next" hyperlink located at either the top-right or bottom-right hand side of the page, and then click on any of the three appropriate sub-albums. Navigation from that point should be pretty much a straight forward "point and click" operation.

Given some of the rather interesting comments begot of my 02/18/08 post to this forum entitled "An Open Letter To Jon Fischer / VeloBase And The CR List" (...most of which I saw fit to address "OFF LIST" since they had little or nothing to do with vintage cycling per se), I would like to once again remind everyone that they are more than welcome to link to the articles and information posted to WoolJersey and/or even replicate same for personal use. HOWEVER, wanton plagiarism and/or republication of same without the express written permission of the copyright holder is not likely to be looked upon favorably by folks such as Rodale Press and may lead to a revocation of our current agreement for internet republication under the terms of the "fair use" doctrine and even quite possibly prompt legal action on their part. So, while all of this wonderful information may well "want to be free", so to speak, please use common sense and discretion with respect to this resource or otherwise risk its complete and total loss to the vintage cycling community as a whole.

And finally, I would like to again publicly solicit the vast collective resources of the CR List with respect to "filling in the gaps" for those precious last few copies of Bicycling and Bike World that I do not happen to have in my own physical library. Of those issues published between the years 1970 and 1986 inclusive, I am missing 17 editions of Bicycling and remarkably similar 17 issues of Bike World as follows:

Bicycling - MAY 1970

Bicycling - NOV 1970

Bicycling - DEC 1970

Bicycling - APR 1971

Bicycling - JAN 1973

Bicycling - MAY 1973

Bicycling - MAR 1975

Bicycling - APR 1975

Bicycling - MAY 1975

Bicycling - JUN 1975

Bicycling - SEP 1975

Bicycling - MAY 1976

Bicycling - NOV 1976

Bicycling - MAR 1977

Bicycling - JUN 1977

Bicycling - FEB 1983

Bicycling - MAY 1985

Bike World - APR 1972

Bike World - OCT 1972

Bike World - DEC 1972

Bike World - JAN 1976

Bike World - FEB 1976

Bike World - MAR 1976

Bike World - MAY 1976

Bike World - AUG 1976

Bike World - OCT 1976

Bike World - DEC 1976

Bike World - JUL 1977

Bike World - JAN 1978

Bike World - MAR 1978

Bike World - JUL 1978

Bike World - NOV 1978

Bike World - MAR 1979

Bike World - NOV 1979

Anyone who might be in a position to help with this endeavor to assemble a truly complete online library is encouraged to please contact me "OFF LIST" so that we can coordinate an efficient and effective way to further this process along (.and you can be assured that I will most certainly give proper accreditation to anyone who does provide their assistance).

Robert Broderick

..the "Frozen Flatlands" of South Dakota

Sioux Falls, USA