I think this is a very valid point.
Angel Garcia Verona (VR) Veneto Italy
snip:On 3/18/08, Peter Jourdain <pjourdain@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Firstly, while I agree with the List policies and
> always try to abide by the sign-off rules, there is a
> VAST difference between the amount of information
> decipherable from somebody who has an uncommon name
> and lives in a small town such as Whitewater,
> Wisconsin, than there is from somebody who is named
> Jack Jones and lives in New York City, so that people
> from smaller locales are, de facto, providing much
> more information about themselves than are people from
> major metropolitan areas, where anonymity reigns. I
> understand that is perhaps an unavoidable part of the
> "lay of the land" on the List, and clearly accept that
> fact, but still insist than not everyone is "exposed"
> to the same degree in what is, after all, a permanent
> online archive accessible to the whole wide world.