Hi Mark, All
The MA2's are clear or silver anodized, but to not hard anodized like the MA40's. IMO the MA2's are the choice over the MA40. I believe they used the same extrusion mold to produce both, but because of the hard anodizing on the MA40's, those are more likely to crack. I have several pairs of really old MA2 wheelsets that have not cracked at the spokeheads, and the one set of MA40's I had did crack at the spokeheads.
DAve Joshel
Davis CA USA
> I currently have a pair of both. I know the 40's are hard anodized-they
> are
> dk grey, nearly black. While the MA2s are silver , I know they are not
> hard
> anodized but are they anodized at all? I ask because if the MA2's are
> totally unanondized, then I can polish to my heart's content.
> Mark Cutrufelli
> Laurel, Maryland