Re: [CR] Hall of Fame - lets do something!!!!

(Example: Bike Shops:R.E.W. Reynolds)

From: <>
To: "Edward Albert" <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Hall of Fame - lets do something!!!!
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 20:34:52 +0000

I suspect on the CR group their are more than a few US bicycle industry insiders.

Can a few of them get off their you-know-whats and donate some serious dollars to get the Hall of Fame into some new digs? If 10 major players could donate 4K per year each, I'll bet that would go a long way towards paying the rent.

And some minor players too perhaps? If some majors can come on board and get them close, Rene Herse Bicycles Inc/Boulder Bicycle will happily donate a couple of thousand thousand. Which is a big amount for us compared with 4K for Trek, Specialized, Giant, and the rest. Lets all join it!

Just a thought!

Mike Kone
Rene Herse Bicycles Inc.

-------------- Original message --------------
From: Edward Albert

> Ray and all,

\r?\n> I am on the Bd of Directors of the U.S. Bicycle Hall of Fame and on

\r?\n> its home search committee. Indeed we are looking for a new home. In

\r?\n> fact I plan to bring some Requests for Proposals to Cirque to distribute

\r?\n> to anyone there who might like to pursue locating the USBHOF in their

\r?\n> community. Seems like a good opportunity to spread the word to folks

\r?\n> from around the country. It is indeed a shame that such a wonderful

\r?\n> collection is, essentially, in storage. Although a nice piece of our

\r?\n> materials are on display at the Home Depot Center ADT Velodrome in

\r?\n> California including a Major Taylor bike.

\r?\n> Edward Albert

\r?\n> Chappaqua, New York, U.S.A.


\r?\n> Edward Albert, Ph.D.

\r?\n> Prof. Emeritus, Sociology

\r?\n> Hofstra University

\r?\n> >>> 05/23/08 2:31 PM >>>

\r?\n> The Bicycle Hall of Fame is now residing in an old toolshed on a farm

\r?\n> here

\r?\n> in NJ. It would seem it deserves better than this. I always liked having

\r?\n> it here in NJ but if we cannot take care of it then hopefully it can be

\r?\n> reborn in another location.



\r?\n> l&coll=1


\r?\n> Ray Homiski

\r?\n> Elizabeth, NJ, USA