RE: [CR]Whilst Randonneuring @ Cirque

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

From: "devotion finesse" <>
To: CR discussion list <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Whilst Randonneuring @ Cirque
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 18:52:52 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>

I don't think I am alone in finding Davis' sexist/homophobic/off-topic/lack ing proper sign off/offensively presumptuous posts boring to say the least. That stuff (and perhaps it's author) has no place here. Now can we get b ack to talking about what a great weekend we had, the great people we spent time with and the incredible bikes we were all fortunate enough to share?

Matthew Bowne Brooklyn, New York

> Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 13:51:05 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [CR]Whilst Randonneuring @ Cirque
> CC:
> Friends and Mr. Schmidt:
> I have received my share of comments OL concerning my 'sexist' comments. It
> was done in humor and without any malevolence--so my apologies to those
> offended I would add that I made no reference to Phil Spector and his ga y
> lover Dr. Evil from the Mike Myers movies. Hard to tell who was pitching
> and who was catching although I'd suspect Dr. Evil does the mound work. I
> guess it was sexist of me to leave the boys team out in the cold.
> Let me further clarify....I have no problem with young people showing the ir
> stuff and being proud. My comments on topic # 4 had to do with fellas
> obviously higher than a U2 plane on marijuana or some equivalent. Why
> drive all the way across country in a multi-colored VW microbus just to
> smoke doobs and huff ether?
> apologies to daisy duke and the daft dutch girl......if anyo ne
> would like to punch me in the face, I am available all day today and part of
> the day tomorrow for such bawdy roughhousing.
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Michael Schmidt
> wrote:
>> Davis,
>> For 10 years, the "babe quotient was never an issue or a need at Cirque du
>> Cyclisime. If that is what you think we need to make Cirque more fun, t hen
>> you don't get it. I shared you post with my wife and she thought your
>> comment on point 6 was needless, sexist, and offending so I am calling y ou
>> on it.
>> Mike Schmidt
>> Stirling, NJ
>> USA
>> On 6/8/08 9:42 PM, "Davis Philsson" wrote:
>>> Just returned form Cirque,had a marvelous time and what not.....a few
>>> observations and questions?
>>> 1. the swap seemed a bit off from previous years--more modern stuff and
>> more
>>> 'framebuilders'. Seemed like anyone and everyone is building lugged
>> steel
>>> these days.
>>> 2. Seemed an emphasis on randonneuring types. Are we collectively
>> getting
>>> older/heavier/trendier. The going extremely slow on a heavy bike with a
>>> extended paunch seemed Au rigour this time.
>>> 3. On randonneuring? what is with the multiple gear shifters and multip le
>>> brake levers. Is it to expend the least amount of calories whilst
>>> randonneuring; or, is a belt and suspenders kind of anxiety driven moxy ?
>>> 4. Was it me or did some fellas seemed quite baked? I talked to a few
>> about
>>> a 'racing' bike that was leaning on the side of a barn which between th e
>> 4
>>> of them they couldn't figure if it was for sale or not but did direct m e
>> to
>>> a guy in a long green T shirt who assured me that it was not really for
>>> sale. Did these fellas just roll out of a Cheech & Chong movie or what ?
>>> 5. The little hats and wool I don't get in 100 degree weather. Is the re
>>> some sort of underground S&M current to this group of which I was not
>>> alerted?
>>> 6. The daisy dukes at the gate were a nice touch, but what do we need to
>> do
>>> to up the babe quotient at up coming Cirques? (As a side note can we al l
>>> chip in so as to not have to groove on the serpentine pant suit/jumper
>> next
>>> year).
>>> 7. The kettlecorn was great. The bratwurst made me jealous and there
>> were
>>> no midgets in the midget kitchen.
>>> 8. Where were all the Cali boys? Gorski, Gabus, Fellows, Vincent C?
> --
> Davis Philsson,
> Gainesville GA
> _______________________________________________

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