Many thanks for all the suggestions for saddles for the Eisentraut and Shimano AX bikes ( I should have clarified that it is a Shimano branded Tange Aero frame, which I assume was made by Tsunoda).
I hadn¹t realised that the Turbo and Rolls saddle were on-topic¹ - both of which I find quite comfortable.
... and the review of the Eisentraut Limited, spec¹d with a Unicanitor, gives an option that I wasn¹t thinking of.
By the way... as far as I¹m concerned, suede saddles are the curse of the late 70¹s / early 80¹s. What¹s the benefit supposed to be? Not being able t o slide easily back and forth on the saddle is a royal pain...
Wyndham Pulman-Jones
Girton, Cambs., UK.