RE: [CR]Comment on Cirque bike classification: "original" v. "restored"

(Example: Racing)

Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2008 12:49:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Comment on Cirque bike classification: "original" v. "restored"
To: Stephen James <>,
In-Reply-To: <BAY123-W7E92253BA9C2300B5BB5ED1980@phx.gbl>

I would think, that for purposes of a bike show, "original" and "unrestored' should mean the same thing. And personally I believe that that should apply only to the frame. Since a lot of bikes could be ordered with customized components, many owners will not even know what might have been original, and even production bikes often varied from what the catalog stated. I my opinion, "original" should just mean the frame has not been refinished. Even that has a bit of a gray area. Do new decals over existing paint constitute refinishing? What about replacing one small decal? And what about a frame on which a shop repaired a dent and repainted just the surrounding area - I have two like that.

Now, while I think only the frame should be used to qualify the bike for the "original" category, the correctness of the equipment is certainly a legitimate judging criterion. Obviously incorrect equipment will normally cost a bike points, even in a Restored category, but probably even more so in an Original category. I think most judges will do this. Conversely, items which can be shown to be definitely original to the individual bike, rather than merely correct, wiil usually add points in the judging.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, Texas, USA

Stephen James <> wrote:

I am curious why the distinction is between "original" and "restored", ra ther than "restored" and "unrestored", for example.

What, incidentally, would be the groups' idea of criteria for restorati on. Is repainting too much?

Steve James Bx., NY> From:> To:> Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2008 11:38:32 -0700> Subject: [CR]Comment on Cirque bik e classification: "original" v. "restored"> > To make judging easier for Ci rque bike classification: "original" vs.. > "restored" why not do this, h ave entries state which class they are > completing in. Than for original c lassification entries have owner on a > standard Cirque provided form list the original parts and frame. > Allowing for comments to be included. Than judge it using form checking > to see if it meets form after first reviewin g form for correctness. For > restored judge it is has it is right now.> Ju st a thought> > Charles Nighbor> Walnut Creek, CA> PS I always when enter ing a bicycle judging contest include a water > bottle with fresh flowers i n it. And match or contrast flower color to > bicycle color. Judges can't r esist giving a few more points.> > > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MI ME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/h tml> ---> _______________________________________________> Classicrendezvou s mailing list>> lman/listinfo/classicrendezvous