Don & group -- Looks that way, BUT---- the "head" of the stem where the
cables attatch has to go up to pull on the brakes, but the fulcrum is at
the bolt that goes through the top of the stem, so -- downward pressure m
ust be applied to the end of the bars (which is behind this bolt) to raise
the head with the cable ends. If the bars pointed forward from the stem,
then upward pressure would be necessary... heaven forbid! :-) Cheers
-- nelson miller // Seattle, WA // USA > Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 1
8:10:02 -0700> From:> To:> Subje
ct: Re: [CR]Strange braking method> CC:> > H
i all...> > I may have missed the conversation, but, to me it looks lik
e the> discription of this part is wrong. Don't you need to pull up to appl
y> the brakes using this?> > Don Williams> Woodinville Washington USA> > On
Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 12:33 PM, nelson miller <> wro
te:> >> > Group -- In reference to Tom Jue"s inquiry regarding the Simplex
"guidonst> > op" stem -- ebay auction #320294742938 and CR "Rarest of Rare"
section --> > This is not strange, it is simply a French approach to a b
asic engineerin> > g problem.. ala the flying buttress or the Eiffel Tower.
. just different!> > (like many French things)> >> > I put mine on my Masi
and it works pretty well, but is very sensitive to> > being adjusted prop
erly. It might work better with drop bars rather than t> > he upright. :-)>
>> > Cheers -- Nelson Miller // Seattle, Washington // USA> >> >> > ---
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