Re: [CR] Overhauling Super Record Ti pedals

(Example: Books)

References: <> <> <619E2DE80AAF404B8C602B93D8E97FA9@H10N7> <>
To: <>, <>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 08:31:43 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
From: "Dale Brown" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Overhauling Super Record Ti pedals

<< The rear derailleur is marked Schwinn Le Tour, but it looks just like a Campy Rally. The brakes are also Schwinn center pulls. gad-awful things. >>

James, that's all stock...that's a Shimano Crane (later to be labeled Dura Ace) derailleur made to Schwinn's order. And those are relabeled Weinmann brakes. Set up correctly this all works well so don't jettison any of it!

Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina USA

-----Original Message----- From: James Valiensi <> To: Scott Minneman <> Cc: 'Dale Brown' <>;; Sent: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 9:27 pm Subject: Re: [CR] Overhauling Super Record Ti pedals

Hey All,?

Thanks for posting the tips. I have a pair of record pedals to overhaul. These babies need it. They have very little use but the grease has turned to cement.?

It's not one of my bikes. A friend of mine was given this Paramount touring bike (circa 1971). The Campy parts are pre-CPCS. The rear derailleur is marked Schwinn Le Tour, but it looks just like a Campy Rally. The brakes are also Schwinn center pulls. gad-awful things. The shifters are mounted to the head-set and would look at home in a 1965 Mustang. The frame has Nervex lugs. Overall I don't think the bike was ridden more than a couple 1000 miles. I'm just overhauling it so my friend can ride it (his other bike is a Lance Armstrong Trek).?


James Valiensi, PE?

Northridge, CA USA?

On Feb 13, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Scott Minneman wrote:? ?
> I do exactly what Dale suggests here, and was trying to figure out > how to?
> describe the process -- I'm glad he tackled it first.?
> One additional thing is, once you get the inner bearings greased > and pressed?
> into the inner cup with the spindle, pull the spindle back out and > clean?
> most of the grease off of it (and make sure the inner bearings, now > in their?
> proper places on the cup, have plenty of grease). That way, you?
> dramatically increase the chances that the spindle can be backed > out without?
> bringing any bearings along for the ride, when you push the spindle > back to?
> bring the outer race against the bearings.?
> Remember, like Dale says.....turn the outer race, not the spindle > (although?
> it's less of an issue if you've cleaned it up like I've suggested > -- I often?
> get lazy and spin the spindle most of the way).?
> Works like a charm.?
> Scott Minneman?
> San Francisco, California, USA?
> -----Original Message-----?
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Dale > Brown?
> Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 5:04 PM?
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [CR] Overhauling Super Record Ti pedals?
> << ...Is there a?trick to this... >>?
> They are tricky.?
> Two clues:?
> 1. You already referred to this, use only the amount of grease that > will?
> properly do the job, no excess. Maybe use a hypodermic needle or > something?
> similar to insert extra grease after it's together...?
> 2., Once you start to reassemble & thread on the outer cone and > before it?
> makes contact with grease laden ball bearings, pull the pedal > spindle back?
> so the outer cone and race contact the bearings. That will leave > the gap at?
> the back or inside bearings (hopefully they will stay in place!) . > Then?
> tighten the cone itself, not twisting the spindle but holding it?
> stationary... That will pull the inside bearings and races together > but with?
> the twisting action now taking place up front where they are > already safely?
> in their track. The rear or inner bearings will be drawn together in a?
> straight line with hopefully no twisting action which might have > otherwise?
> messed them up. (Does all this make sense?)?
> Dale Brown?
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA?
> -----Original Message-----?
> From: Raymond Dobbins <>?
> To: Classic Rendezvous Bike List <>?
> Sent: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 6:14 pm?
> Subject: [CR] Overhauling Super Record Ti pedals?
> ??
> I'd never tried overhauling Record pedals before, and today I did > it for th?
> e first time with?Super Record Ti spindle pedals.? I've done bbs, > heads ets?
> and hubs, so I?wasn't expecting any difficulty...but I was > surprised by how?
> difficult it was to?set up the bearings on the outside of the peda l?
> (closest to the dustcaps).? The loose bearings have to be in > precisely the?
> right location in order for?the cone nut to engage them correctly > as you?
> thread it on.? If you have too much grease on the bearings or the > con e nut,?
> the bearings get pulled/pushed out of place as the cone threads in.?
> ? It took me a few tries to figure out how to?get it right.?
> ??
> Are all?Record pedals as difficult (or easy depending on your level > of ex?
> pertise!), or are the Ti?spindle pedals different??
> ??
> Is there a?trick to this that I don't know??
> ??
> Ray Dobbins?
> Miami Florida USA?

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