[CR] Texas Velo Roundup Update

(Example: Racing:Jean Robic)

From: "Putman, Clyde" <cputman@mail.smu.edu>
To: "Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org" <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 09:22:51 -0500
Thread-Topic: Texas Velo Roundup Update
Thread-Index: AQHJq0WEcEsyJzroo06+76muA1mkLY/ELWsQ
Accept-Language: en-US
acceptlanguage: en-US
Cc: "'Thomas.Shaddox@BancTec.com'" <Thomas.Shaddox@BancTec.com>, "'johnprochss@yahoo.com'" <johnprochss@yahoo.com>, "'meison01@gmail.com'" <meison01@gmail.com>, "Bryan, William" <wbryan@mail.smu.edu>, "'john_j_mcmanus@yahoo.com'" <john_j_mcmanus@yahoo.com>, "'captrick@sbcglobal.net'" <captrick@sbcglobal.net>, "'gnt449@yahoo.com'" <gnt449@yahoo.com>, "'southtrunk@sbcglobal.net'" <southtrunk@sbcglobal.net>, "Walker, Robert" <robertw@mail.smu.edu>
Subject: [CR] Texas Velo Roundup Update

Friends: There have been several great questions regarding the upcoming Texas Velo R oundup on April 11.


The questions include: #1: I am vegetarian, will there be something I can eat? Yes, there will be a selection of probably rolled sandwiches including Vegg ie options. That said, sandwiches are NOT reserved, so if you are a strict vegetarian, be at the front of the line so somebody does not get all the ve ggie options before you get a chance. Please DO clue me in so I can try to make a good selection for all.

Please DO RSVP so we have enough food for all!

#2. I want to bring several valuable bikes for show, will there be security ? Many thanks to Randy Murphy who is providing the show space! One of two possibilities will occur: 1. Randy will stay at the show location. 2. Randy will ride with us, locking the show location when he rides and unl ocking it when he gets back.

So...is it possible that somebody could arrive with one bike and leave with 3? Well....yes.... I would say that the risk is low, but we will not be closel y monitoring who arrives with what and who leaves with what. The venue WILL be locked if it is unoccupied. I would say if you are worried, bring bikes for the show and skip the ride (see Question #3)

Also, if you take the short ride option, there is a chance that you will ha ve to cool your heels for a while until somebody with a key returns from th e longer ride.

I will bring 3 bikes just to show, a 1973 Raleigh Competition, a 1977 Peuge ot PY-10 and 1981-ish Gitane Team Replica in addition to the 1981 Raleigh Pro that I plan to ride. So I am confident enough in the security to have t he best part of my little collection kept at the show location during the r ide. That said, the people who have asked about security have bikes WAY mor e valuable than all of mine combined and I understand your concern.

#3. Is the ride going to be along beautiful country roads? No. What makes the Texas Velo Roundup possible is Randy Murphy's generous provi sion of space in the Fair Park area of Dallas for the show. The ride is a bit secondary and beautiful country roads are quite a hike fr om the Fair Park area of Dallas.

Ride will be inner city, showing off the stunning houses along Swiss Avenue and the beautiful White Rock Lake Park. Don't ride on your finest silk tires as there will be several miles along p lain old inner city roads through old East Dallas. Like I said in #2, the focus is on the show (and lunch!) so if you are conc erned about route, please bring some bikes to show off and skip the ride. I will be riding a 1981 Raleigh Pro with Grand Bois clinchers, so will be o n tires that are sweet, but also can be replaced if one is ruined by an err ant beer bottle.

Ya got more questions? Just sent them to me! This is the first (of a possibly annual) event, so I am learning as I go.

20 RSVP's thus far!


Clyde "Vintage Bike Party planner" Putman Dallas, Texas, USA, Earth