Re: [CR] Snubbed on a Sunday Afternoon.

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: <"">
To: <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:28:29 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR] Snubbed on a Sunday Afternoon.

See if you were 1) riding a French bicycle and 2) wearing traditional leather cycling shoes (cleats optional) you would have both noticed and admired. Never fails.

But seriously, I am amazed folks find cyclists in their part of the world unfriendly. Certainly not the case in the Washington DC area or maybe I' m hanging around with the wrong sort. Or wearing the right shoes. You ca n stop along the road to fill a water bottle and have two or more passing cyclists pause and ask "You OK?" And you'd be hard pressed not to get comments (mostly favourable!) and interest in riding something, anything other than the usual Trek. Just yesterday I had a nice fast descent and stop light to follow chat with a guy on a Pinarello when I was on my Berthoud. See it's that French bicycle thing working... again.

Peter Kohler Washington DC USA

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