Hi all, BACK AGAIN need to get a handle on this gig before it gets out of hand.
Please note, as stated in the earlier ( EARLIER ) offering this is a cash and carry gig. Once the weekend passes we will know what is left, we'll then make a total CR offer. Please note: These prices are for a cash and ca rry transaction. After the weekend passes we'll then make an offer to the W HOLE CR list, then the prices will be moving up a little bit. Example sen ding a bundle of tires we'll need to include time involved and cost of pack ing material, these are things that we have to add into the price. To sen d such an item, boxes are not readily available, so we'll then need to cut down a bike box for the shipping of a bundle of tires. Could take 20 to 30 minutes and if there is no box available then over to some other bike s hop for a box, sometimes had for FREE and other times $ 5.00 per box, m any times no box available. But then again we can send a BIG box from EUROP E direct, 40ft container of goods we can provide.
FYI. We didn't mean to mislead anybody in anyway. It's mainly Cecile and my self taking on this load, yes we are taking on a lot! Earlier this summer Cecile was in Holland to make things ready for this trip, my trip....... ........It will be a SMASH AND PACK TRIP, I'll be stuffing this container like a can of sardines in the freezing Dutch weather!
Baron C
BC.......And the gang!!
Cafe de Velo
Santa Paula CA. 93060
( 805 ) 284-3936
> From: corpuzfamily@hotmail.com> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Date:
Fri, 9 Jan 2009 01:15:43 -0800> Subject: [CR]Road trips southern cal off
er!> > > Hey all!> > Thought I'd try to lure some of the Southern cal CR me
mbers into the shop t> his weekend. 17th I'll be off to Holland for a conta
iner of bicycle stuff>>> >>250 plus framesets with a loads of other goodies
.> > Here's a partial list of stuff that will be available with prices to m
ove s> ome of this stuff. All OFFERINGS will be New.> > Tubulars rims 700c
, 24o to 36o From $ 10.00 pp and up All are new, Mavi> c, Super Champ
ion, AMBROSIO and so on.> > > 1, MICHELIN all white 700X28 $ 10.00 ea /
buy 2 get 1 for FREE! Bundle of> 10 tires $ 60.00 On hand 50 plus bundles.
> > 2, MICHELIN 27 X 1 BIB SPORT same deal as above ( 1 )> > 3, WOLBER
SL 19 cotton tires, same deal as ( 1 ) > > 4, WOLBER PISTE $ 25.00 ea.>
> 5, WOLBER 24'' $ 10.00 ea.> > 6, WOLBER 26'' $ 10.00 ea.> > 7, WOL
BER cyclocross 2 different models $ 15,- and $ 20,- ea.> > 8, Several
other types and conditions, from $ 5.00 > > 9, TANGE LEVIN old style C
amagnolo copy FRENCH thread $ 17.00 Boxed.> > 10, GIPIEMME cronosprint,
Campagnolo copy ( BLACK alloy ) ITALIAN threa> d $ 22.00> > 11, GIPIEMME
CRONOSPECIAL with fluted arms satin ( MEXICO FINISH ) 170 -> 42 / 52 $ 125
.00 - boxed.> > 12, SR ROYAL drilled chainwheels 144cbd, 42 drilled bla
ck - 47 drilled > silver - 54 drilled silver - 54 drilled black. $ 10.- to
$ 15.00> > 13, Campagnolo 43t NR chainwheel nos/nip $ 30.00 ea. 10 availa
ble.> > 14, RIGI road framesets, matalic red 61cm no front derailleur P
aint wil> l be perfect $ 175.00 ea 1 or 2 available.> > 15, CHESINI X-UNO
framesets, 59cm to 62cm RED or BLUE with original chr> omed forks $ 225.
00 ea.> > 16, OLYMPIC alloy ( FRENCH thread ) $ 15.00 pp - boxed. > > 17
, CINELLI old logo hairnets size 5 - $ 7.00 ea, 3 for $ 20.00> > 18,
REG chromed steel toe-clips NOS/NIP factory bagged $ 5.00 per pair / > 5 pa
irs for $ 20.00> > 19, Yellow / mustard toe straps generic Italian made $
5.00 pp / 5 pairs > for $ 20.00> > 20, COBRA all white water bottles $ 2
.50 ea / 2 for $ 4.00> > 21, CLARKS cable set, brake and gear cables $
7.00 per set NOS/NIP.> > 22, WHITE cloth tape ( french made ) $ 1.00 per
roll.> > 23, ARIUS brown suade type saddles BROWN with bag loops $ 20.00
ea.> > 24. EUROPEAN made acrylic jerseys size 2 - 6 basic short sleve $ 10.
00 - $> 15.00 ea. Please note EUROPEAN sizing, on the smaller side.> > 25
, EUROPEAN SHORT with chamios wool / acrylic blend size 2 and size 3 wi>
th button rear pocket $ 10.00 / $ 15.00> > 26, SUNTOUR gear bags ( duffle
) $ 15.00 ea TOP QUALITY!> > 27, CYCLUS headset press $ 40.00 ea.> > 28
, JPR / VARTA French made 2 c-cell light sets front and rear $ 15.00 ea>
.> > 29, SHIMANO 600EX brake caliper sets short reach recessed mounting $
25.0> 0 per set.> > 30, ROVAL TRACK wheel set tubular 700c 28 spoke, t
ake off. Only one set> available $ 125.00> > Just a sampling of what is bei
ng offered, there will be lots more! Frames> ets - wheelsets and lots of
parts.> > January 10th 12:00 to 5:00, we'll be there on Sunday as well 12
:00 to 4:0> 0..........Bring a friend! > > Baron C.> BC....And the gang!> C
afe de Velo> 840 E. Main street > Santa Paula CA 93060> ( 805 ) 284-3936> >
> > > _________________________________________________________________> W
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