Hi All,
John, I've used that store (I believe it may be the same one that you used) often. Without fail the in-store cost is more than the online cost given by the UPS website. To be fair to that store, I've had the same experience with the other 'Brown' store in our town. Nowadays, I print the label at home, paid thru paypal, and drop off the package. If I can't do that, I take it to the FedEx depot a few miles north.
In years past, and for several years, my business shipped daily, a lot of bikes and whole bunch of frames. We always took these directly to the UPS Depot for drop off and occasionally got the 'we need to see the packing method' and had to open the box for their inspection. Never did we have to stand by while they repackaged something. A couple of times, they offered additional packing material if they felt nervous about damage. Usually a good experience, there, though.
However! It was a damage claim issue that made us switch to FedEx. And if I recall correctly, this subject has been discussed on these pages before - the UPS 'insurance' is actually a third party company (and I think FedEx is, too now iirc), and it is not in that company's best (financial) interest to honor and pay claims. I think the stubbornness over packaging is probably a result of unhappy UPS customers who have returned to their local store looking for satisfaction and getting none. In my own experience, as a business that shipped multiple items daily, there was a myriad of hoops to jump through and many calls that were 'dropped' while on hold to try to get finality and claims payments for damage from UPS's contractor. I'm talking weeks to months.
After the switch to FedEx, this was reduced by maybe half in terms of effort, time and headache. So, in answer (my own opinion) to your question 'which company is best?' There isn't one. I think FedEx is better, but I found myself frustrated with both, just for a lesser amount of time with FedEx.
And USPS? Seems quickest, more costly for sure. We were advised (by someone at USPS) to either not insure expensive items or to ship elsewhere as they have the most 'lost shipments' if items are insured for more than a couple hundred dollars. Apparently, there is a warehouse in St Louis, again iirc, where all of the lost items end up. Hmmm, wonder what all one could find in there?
Greg Overton my 2 cents, perhaps overpriced at that near Denver, Colorado
Quoting crumpy6204@aol.com:
> Thanks everyone for all the interest in this problem. Has anyone
> ever had a problem filing a claim against UPS for damaged goods and
> been turned down DUE to the method of packing. ie NOT boxed and
> packed by UPS, Also what experience filing claims against other
> carriers Fed Ex USPS Etc? Anyone ever actually got paid for a claim
> filed? With all the goods shipped these days who IS the best
> carrier and is customer friendly? I know we all ship our treasures
> back and forth probably without any thought as to them getting there
> in good nick! maybe we should ALL think a BIT before shipping,
> Cheers John Crump OldneverhadaclaimBrit. Parker. Co USA