Dear Tom,
A trick that I learned very early is attributed to a local named Ted Shred. He simply lifts his foot off the pedal and places it on the top of the back tire. Did I mention that he rides a single speed freewheel, brakeless?
You can check out a clip of him and his method here:
I'm sure this will draw many cries of foolishness amongst the members of this list(many of whom seem to have quite an issue with riding fixed and brakeless), and in no way do I myself condone riding like this, however it is an effective way to stop should your chain break.
Blake Godwin San Francisco, CA USA
> Message: 9
> Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:35:36 -0400
> From: Tom Sanders <>
> Subject: [CR] Safety on brakeless bikes
> To: <>
> Message-ID: <002d01ca57d3$88b6ae70$9a240b50$@com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> My good friend Gabriel Romeu in an off line communicated raised an issue I
> haven't thought of about brakeless bikes and I thought I'd bring it up
> here.
> He suggests that a rider skidding his rear wheel might have a chain brake
> and go sailing through a busy intersection and may not be willing to do
> very
> much such skidding anyway because of the likelyhood of ruining an expensive
> tire. I have never had a chain fail and I am wondering on just how likely
> this might be. I feel it is really a powerful argument for having brakes
> on
> a fixed gear bike (Mine has two). If this is all too off topic for
> discussion, I'm sure Dale will let me know.he is not shy, I find.
> Tom Sanders
> Lansing, MI USA