[CR] A Special Event (And The BVVW Is Invited!)

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

From: "Matthew 'Devotion' Bowne" <devotion_finesse@hotmail.com>
To: CR discussion list <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:50:09 -0500
Subject: [CR] A Special Event (And The BVVW Is Invited!)

Muchachos Y Muchachas! I am pleased to announce/re-announce* a special event for NYC cycling geeks!


WHAT: *Via the Classic Rendezvous List, CR member Angel Garcia turned me onto a VERY interesting event happening in Manhattan at NYU's Casa Italian this Wednesday, November 18th at 6PM.

Italian sports reporter/professor Aldo Grasso, along with the Vice-director of La Gazzetta dello Sport, Franco Arturi, will be giving a lecture entitled "One Hundred Years of the Giro d'Italia: A history of Italy through Bicycle Heroes and Storytellers.".

More info on the flyer here:


Believing this to be an invitation only event, I wrote Casa Italiana and asked that the B.V.V.W. be included in this event...I mean, it's a match made in heaven, right? Well...they agreed!

It turns out that the event is open to the public, though space is limited and seating will be on a first come, first served basis with priority given to NYU students, faculty and alumni.

I received this note from Stefano Albertini, the director of Casa Italiana:

"Dear Mr. Bowne,

We would be delighted if you and your friends of the B.V.V.W could attend our program on Nov. 18. The history of the Giro is so intertwined with Italian history that we thought it was our duty to celebrate the event with a talk of one of the most prominent and respected journalists in Italy. We'll be delighted to meet you and your friends in that occasion.

-Stefano Albertini"

So! Please come and keep an eye out for at least one BVVW jersey in the audience! I will be joined by the acting chair of the San Francisco branch, Mr. Brett Horton.

Please let me know if you plan to attend so that I'll keep an eye out for you. It'd be great to have a posse decked out in team kit, so bring your BVVW wool!

More information on time/location on Casa Italiana's website here:


WHEN: Wednesday, November 18th. 6PM (arrive at 5:30)

WHERE: NYU Casa Italiana. 24 West 12th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues. (near Union Square)

AND: There is a great likelihood that some food and drink will be consumed following the lecture, though details have yet to be determined. We'll probably want Italian, no?

WHAT ELSE: I'm not sure if there is any sort of "list" for entry or how the "open to the public" thing works out...But it might be handy to have Mr. Stefano Albertini's name handy should anybody ask what brought you there.

ALSO: It's a cryin' shame that Mother Nature had other plans for this fall's BVVW Vintage Track Iron Round Up...We got rained out, what...like, 9 times or something? It's as bad as the 'twilight series' this past two years! I'm afraid it's probably gonna get too darn cold and blustery out there for this event to happen before next spring...BUT I aint afraid of the cold if y'all aren't! Should we keep this on the back-burner for an up-coming weekend (before it's snowy)? Or shelve it for, say, April or May? Is there even much of a general interest in this event to begin with? Or was it destined to be just Jamie and I doing match sprints and drinking cheap wine in a Queens parking lot until we pass out somewhere on the banks and roll into the infield? PLEASE lemme know what you'd prefer...If there is a strong contingent willing to pull on an extra layer and do it this winter, I'll make the plan. If you'd collectively rather not, we'll hold indefinitely...Lemme know what you're thinking.

Ciao until Wednesday!

Matthew Bowne
Brooklyn, New York
L'Assistente al Despota Onnipotente
(347) 414-0067CR