Re: [CR] 1948 Sieber Track Bike

(Example: Framebuilders:Norman Taylor)

From: "Sarah Gibson" <>
To: <>, <>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 14:09:36 +0000
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Cc: classicrendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR] 1948 Sieber Track Bike

this sieber has no drilling on fork crown sorry it doesnt seem ive got a shot of the chain and tho i dont currently have pix directly of the rear bridge it is not drilled either... hmmm so not all were drilled for road use peace

sarahgibson acmebicyclecompanydotcom kansascitymissouri well behaved women rarely make history_ride yr friggin bicycle_ > From: wal> Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 13:29:49 +0000> To: johnb@oxfor> CC:> Subject: [CR] 1948 Sieber Track Bike> > Sorry that I couldn't respond to your question yesterday, but yes , that > is the way the bike came. It also came with a 1/2 pitch chain ri ng which> is stamped, Eisenmann, the importer for the bike. After yeste rday's com> ments I reviewed photos of other Sieber bikes on Wool Jersey. T here is a> picture of a Sieber that Ted Ernst sold last year which is ident ical to> mine with regards to the chain ring/crank and paint scheme. Also t here > are some great pictures of E. Albert's bike which clearly shows a dr ille> d fork crown and bridge and a 1/2 pitch chain ring.> I believe that a ll of the Siebers used the drilled double plate fork cro> wn on all of thei r bikes allowing the bike to be used on the track or fo> r possible road us e. On CR, in the Swiss builders section, Bob Graf has > a Sieber with b rakes on both wheels. There is also another Sieber with a> drilled fork cro wn, but not the bridge. Now that I know the difference> between a 1/2 vs 1" pitch chain ring, I have to find out what a block c> hain is. Thanks f or your interest.> Jerry Jeter, Wildwood, MO USA > > > > ______________ ______________________________________________> Free information on becomin g a Photographer. Click Now!> c/PnY6ryAdQhV0nCZ24zwnuJ8cs> dnNJVByA9lqQhSTOBQGBfsyOJ2UM/> > --- StripMime
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