I´d like to complete a set of Nervex Professionnel lugs.
I have a fork crown to offer (Professionnel Course Feature Cut No. 5) and I would like to obtain a top headlug 49/162, the later version, both just like in Chuck Schmidt´s catalogue reprint. I would prefer No.1 angles (75 deg.) but don´t mind getting something shallower, either.
I would not like to sell the fork crown, it´s my last spare one.
My last lug swap request on CR was very successful; the lug I got is now part of my latest frame, an Ellis-Briggs randonneur just arrived on
Thursday, which proves once more how useful this list is and how helpful its members are. A friend of mine who is a professional photographer has offered to take photos of the frame which I will put up on wooljersey in due course.
My computer is on analog dial up internet, so please do not send photos
or scans. Thanks.
Regards, Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.