Somebody was selling kevlar strips that functioned like Mr Tuffys a while back. IIRC they were kind of fuzzy. Maybe thats what it is.
James B. Swan Northport, NY. USA
On Apr 18, 2009, at 12:50 AM, devotion finesse wrote:
> I pulled some tires off of an early 80's wheelset (Campy Super
> Record hubs
> to MA-40s) and came upon something I have never seen or heard of:
> a strip
> of adhesive-backed yellow felt-like material stuck to the inside of
> the tir
> e. Is this just a predecessor of "Mr. Tuffy"? Designed for
> puncture resis
> tance? Or does it serve another purpose? Is/was this a common
> practice?
> Matthew BowneLearnin' somethin' new every day inBrooklyn, New York
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