[CR] Copake

(Example: Framebuilders:Pino Morroni)

Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 07:45:49 -0700
From: "MARK" <mhoffman0@snet.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR] Copake

Copake...what a blast of a day.  I left my house at 5:31, I knew it would be a good day. I hardly hit any red lights...no slow pokes... nobody breathin up my &%$# . ...on the way up.   Arrived a bit late, many folks all set up.  Pulle d into a spot next to Ray Homiski.  The usual suspects were all there. Bu rgermeister Curtis, the Rounds Bros., Lars, Sam Fitz., Scot from Willi. (oh you're that Scott!), Eddie Albert, Matt 'Omipontent D.' (east coast ),Pete r and Kendall, Norm LaFleur, Jim Huntington, Ron, Bill Gauzo....met some fo lks new to the swap scene...they were al inquiring as to when the next one was.....

It was perfect weather for Copake, which can can be a chilly place if the w eather's not right...I mean you are in a sheep pasture.   The only thing that would have topped it off was if I brought a bike to ride...next year I'm bringing my wife so we can explore the nearby rail trail...I hear is nice and how could it not be in that beau tiful valley with breath-taking veiws. I know Ray was planning on a ride on his interesting Serotta cross bike, wi th it's newly mounted grey Brooks with titanium rails...

Then there was Mel...he bought a few things from me.  He again took the t rain up from NYC with his bike, as close as he could get, then rode to the swap...this true Bodhisattva -saint of the wheel has peaked my interest before....I'd love to know more about him.  I checked out his purchases...Mel KNOWS.  The untrained eye would look at him and dismiss or turn away...I mean I really couldn't chec k out this bike he was riding, with it's turned up dropped'bars, as it's at tached milk crate filled with parts.   As I drove away around 2:30 I pass ed him as he rode up rt. 22 towards the train.  Words fail how I felt as I waved out my window as he grew smaller in my rear-view...

I made some bucks and got rid of stuff I didn't really need.  And then of course there were the auction items....I hope someone takes some good pics . There were some cool bikes, mostly pre CR list stuff....the bike with the .22 cal. rifle on board.....now there's a conversation starter....and I co uldn't believe the number of beer and soda labels that had bikes on them!

Sure glad I decided to go.  Not sure if I'll make T-town spring....of cou rse the hardcores will be making the rounds in the midwest as well....and C irque is really just around the corner.

Mark Hoffman
New Britain, CT