I have a pair on one of my bikes, and have been quite satisfied. They seem well-made, look good, and were a bargain. They also hold air pretty well. I only ride cheap tires. Once upon a time when I was a kid working at a bike shop and living at home, I rode Clement Setas, but that time is long past.
I do not get a lot of flats (although every time I even think that, I am afraid I'll jinx it). I use a Schwinn floor pump, and never inflate my tires to over 100 psi
Best regards, Marcus Helman Detroit, MI
Greg Arnold wrote:
Has anyone ridden the Servizio Corsa tubulars from Yellow Jersey? Decent ride? Compared to Tufo 33Pro? I know - they are lower end tires, just curious if they have any pundits / fans!