On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 11:39 AM, John Thompson <johndthompson@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...Whoa, hang on! I just found an SX-630 (long cage) in my Big Pile o'
> Derailleurs! Feast yer eyes on this:
> http://os2.dhs.org/
> http://os2.dhs.org/
Can the fixing bolt shown in the second .jpg be made to fit a standard drop out? How were these supposed to work? The nut threaded into the drop out from the backside of the dropout into the fixing bolt? Did the fixing bolt also thread into the drop or was it just this rear-side nut that threaded into the drop?
Thanks, I have a Simplex der with a fixing bolt like this and want to know what it will take to mount it to a regular Campagnlo style drop.
Mitch Harris
Little Rock Canyon, Utah, USA