It would be until you suddenly realize that standover height is a matter of personal opinion...and I really really really should leave it to that unless Dale loves discussions about human anatomy including manipulation and comparisons of human anatomy.
You'd think just reading the tape would be the end of it. In all my years, I've tried C-C, C-T along seatube, C-T Vertical, Standover, etc....and I have found in the long run that C-T along seatube just seems to work the best.
I just tell folks going for a track bike to go 2-3 cm down and things work out just fine. Of course, actually being there and trying out the bike to begin with beats all.
Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA
Quoting Charles Nighbor <>:
> If you are measuring a frames size along seat tube doesn't it give different
> frames size depending on the angle of the seat tube to the top tube. If it is
> a 68 degrees versus 74 degrees aren't we describing two different frame
> sizes. Isn't a better way to measure standover height and top tube length. I
> am waiting for comments.
> Charles Nighbor
> PS a perfect 57cm frame size no a prefect 56cm frame size or is it a 58cm
> frame size.
> Walnut Creek, CA USA
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