Re: [CR] Shipping a Tandem from Ilinois to California

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

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Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 14:02:32 -0700
From: "Matt Gorski" <>
To: David Kulcinski <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Shipping a Tandem from Ilinois to California

David, It isn't really to big a deal. The frame and as much as can be left on goes into a <130" bikebox and the wheels and rest goes into a <108" Box. I have used FedEx ground with great results for many years.

I shipped a 50# box right at 130" to PA this morning for $114. I would bet that carefully selected boxes and a balanced load wouldn't be much more than $130 or $140 total. But, if the sender isn't cycle shipping savvy you will certainly have issues. I have shipped Tandems with and without the fork removed... Can't tell a lot without knowing the bike, the avail boxes and the tech level of the sender...since I am local to you I'm at the wrong end.

Regards, Matt Gorski Anaheim, CA (during the day) USA

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:24 PM, David Kulcinski <>wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience shipping tandems? Is there anyone in the
> list that could help in shipping a tandem from Oak Lawn, IL to Santa Ana,
> Ca? I'm sure it will be expensive & probably TO-O-O-O expensive, but I
> thought that I'd ask..
> Thank you in advance,
> David Kulcinski
> Orange, CA USA