(Example: Humor)

From: "Peter Brown" <>
To: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:46:07 +0000
Thread-Index: AcqayfsNVEKmdyknR6iarHM0X55Jmg==

David Kulcinski wrote: can anyone give me some info on a FALCON OLYMPIC, road bike? First, is it on topic? When was it made? Is it a decent bike? Is it a Falcon, model Olympic, or an Olympic, Model Falcon? I have never heard of it before.

I forwarded David's question to my friend Nigel Land, Elswick Hopper ME for the V-CC, and currently in the final stages of writing his book on the history of Elswick Hopper and the associated companies which included Falcon. This is his reply:

The Olympic had a long life - made at Smethwick in the '60s through the 1970s, so photos and measurements would be needed for an accurate date. I do have a lot of Falcon catalogues, but they had a nasty habit of not giving the date. Later models were plain gauge tubing so lower end and I suspect that David has one of these, given that Falcon were exporting heavily to the USA during the 'boom' of the early '70s.

Nigel sends his compliments for the New Year to all list members.

Peter Brown, Lincolnshire, England