[CR] NOS the TRUE value?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 14:26:49 -0500
From: <crumpy6204@aol.com>
Subject: [CR] NOS the TRUE value?

WHY? WHY? would someone pay 10 times or more for something that's NOS? This has puzzled me for some time now. UNLESS you are building a machine that is going to hang on the wall, as a shinny lump of metal, ONLY to gaze at in awe and NEVER be used for the purpose that it was made for, WHY WHY WHY buy NOS? I have always avoided NOS parts. I do not want a clean shinny bit on my built to RIDE bikes, especially if the costs is way out of line. PATINA a word that is used to describe all antiques including ME, cant use that word on anything NOS! Many list members have machines that have been ridden the way they should have been, in ORIGINAL condition, NOT NOS, they now have glorious PATINA, I know many will disagree with me, Lets have your take on this. Cheers John Crump OldwithlotsofpatinaBrit, Parker. Co USA