Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating

(Example: History)

From: Tom Sanders <>
To: <>, <>
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 15:43:31 -0500
Thread-Index: Acq9YouZil/KrVn5QhKvylHiztD94gACnF5A
Subject: Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating

Yup...backward as Mid-Michigan was (actually the Eastern part of the state...home of the Wolverine Sport Club and Gene Portuesi and Barb Hintzen and the Omelenchuks, and that Italian guy who drilled through the top tubes... was nearly as cool as CA, but I didn't know that at the time) when I got on my PX-10 I was looked at and admired everywhere I went. It was tres cool. At the time I had never heard of a Masi or Colnago... Tom

-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 2:23 PM To: Cc:;;; Subject: Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating


I purchased the Eisentraut "A" frame I bought in 1972 from the Missing Link Bike Shop, there in Berkeley. I saw the frame there as I made one of those early trips to Mecca (Velo Sport Bike Shop) from where I lived in Huntington Beach, CA. I think I was still riding my PX-10. Yeah, about 5 or 6 of us rode there from Huntington Beach. Velo Sport was the closest place to see a Colnago in the flesh.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Ah those were the days. Nary a Colnago within 500 miles of you. Now days you can't swing a dead cat around without hitting a place where you can buy a Colnago. Not that there's anything wrong with that; my hat is off to Ernesto, who is a VERY energetic and likable chap.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Jim Ready

<> Subject: Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 10:47:12 -0800

Here's some additional info on my 72 Eisentraut:

This is taken directly from the Missing Link warranty card the came with the frame. Missing Link was a student owned bike shop on the UC Berkeley campus near Sproul Plaza.

Make: Eisentraut Model: M Racing 74 degree head angle 73 degree seat angle Frame #: E020272 Color: Bronze Casting / Blue Size: 62cm/24.4" (That's a center to top measurement although Eisentraut measured center to center. In his class be said that's the only accurate way to measure) Price: $240.00 frame, multi-color paint, fork, Campy Headset Date sold: August 6 1972 by Max Sheppard, the manager. Max later built up an all black Eisentraut with all the Campy NR components anodized black. I wonder where that bike is now.

Jim Ready Cupertino, CA USA

From: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:34 AM
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>;
Subject: Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating



> Bill,


> Now that there is GOOD information, folks!


> Brian Baylis

> La Mesa, CA



> ---------- Original Message ----------

> From: Bill Kloos <>

> To: "" <>

> Cc: Bill Kloos <>, Tom Sanders

> <>

> Subject: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating

> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 11:29:34 -0500


> Tom:


> Ed Litton is repainting my "A" model Eisentraut and removing some

> aftermarket brazeons while he is at it. Ed was a partner of AE for

> some years. The SN on my bike (on the BB and on the steerer tube in

> way too small numbers is: E130475. Ed Litton translated this SN for

> me as the 13th frame built in April of 1975.


> Bill Kloos

> Eugene Oregon



> ------------------------------


> Message: 2

> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 08:27:49 -0500

> From: "Tom Sanders" <>

> Subject: [CR] Dating Eisentraut bikes

> To: <>

> Message-ID: <003c01cabd30$d1822e50$74868af0$@com>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> Seriously folks, can someone offer a few tips on Dating these

> venerated bikes? I have always heard there is no help from the builder

> I have owned one that was used by a famous female racer (In Mr. Baylis'

> possession now, I believe) and am closing in on another nice one, and

> have watched them for years and I haven't a clue as to how to date

> them. I take it the Rainbow Trout and Limited are somewhat later than

> some( Apparently his statement that if they have the Eisentraut name

> on them they came from his shop or family was before the advent of the

> Limited

> model?) ? Anyone able to shed some light on this? Did Eisentraut

> use that distinctive A Model seat post cluster treatment from an early

> Has his lug style changed at some point over the years? Why might one

> before a specific date be more desirable than a later one? Anything

> else I should be asking?


> Tom Sanders


> Curious in Lansing, MI USA




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