Re: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

From: "R.S. Broderick" <>
To: <>
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 18:05:36 -0700
In-Reply-To: <E5931D07B23045DC91B50ECD9D7AC335@NormPC>
References: <> <A119B25519E146DB8224C6E6822B9B59@UserPC> <>
Subject: Re: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip

Norm et al,

Indeed, all of those CR List archival links of mine once active in their reference to WoolJersey are non-functional to the extent that I established a successor in Velo-Pages quite early on during that most unfortunate WoolJersey outage last year. Thankfully, all of that same information, along with much, much more, may now be found on the aforementioned website. The Poutrait-Morin catalog from the 1974 New York Bike Show, and more specifically page six thereof, may be referenced here:

In addition to the information that you (...i.e. Norm) cited, interested parties may also wish to review yet another CR List "oldie but goodie" of mine (...ironically enough, proffered in reaction to a post by none other than Harvey Sachs - although as mentioned above, the WoolJersey reference therein is now obsolete):

And there is yet MORE drivel from my typing digits regarding the specifics and details of Christophe toe clips through the years, the likes of which may be culled from the following sources (...but I warn you - you are going to have to wade through a bit of ponderous prose to distill certain tidbits of information such as production time frames and the like):

The "Reader's Digest" version would be that with respect to chrome plated steel Christophe toe clips, the earlier stylized logo versions were produced through 1977, the later block logo variety commenced production sometime during that very same year ( for 1977, either style could be appropriate), and neither of these conventions have any bearing whatsoever on their "Z" series alloy offerings which first appeared for model year 1976. As always, there is the HUGE caveat to be acknowledged that any given LBS could and often did have stock of an older model component well past its actual production timeline, so one would be wise not to adopt too rigid a perspective on this subject. Also, there are further distinctions that can be made regarding Christophe toe clips, but to be quite honest, most if not all of those have to do with either styles or sizes that I have never used because they never had application to my own circumstance, therefore, I would need to drag out all of my catalogs to pin down more exacting dates than any of those generalizations I could easily but reluctantly offer off the top of my head ( Robert Louis Stevenson once noted so astutely, " generalization is worth a damn, including this one").

At some point in the future when I find myself with copious quantities of spare time on my hands, it is my intention to digitize and post to Velo-Pages yet more Poutrait-Morin / Zefal / Christophe / AFA / Lapize / Tornade catalogs and brochures.

Robert "Eugene Christophe is a legend worth recounting" Broderick

...the "Chronically Cloudy Clime" of Oregon

Portland, USA

> From:
> To:
> Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2010 13:02:17 -0400
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip
> Here is what I have been using as the definitive description of the
> various Christophe toe clips. It was provided several years ago by Robert S.
> Broderick and supported by a link to one of his catalog scans. Unfortunately
> the link is now disconnected. Maybe if Mr. Broderick sees this he can
> provide the new link.
> "I certainly can clarify just what Christophe logo would be proper for the
> years 1973 to 1975. As you may have noted from one of my recent posts to
> the CR List regarding "Shimano Dura-Ace timeline / effective search
> algorithms / catalogs", I have been working on digitizing the various
> printed matter that I have on hand and posting same to my Wool Jersey album.
> Of particular note with respect to Christophe toe clips would be the
> Poutrait-Morin catalog from the 1974 New York Bike Show, page 6 which
> clearly depicts the proper logo from that era located at the apex of the
> metal straps. Furthermore, you can clearly see that standard Christophe toe
> clips were differentiated by size with their "Christophe D" being petite,
> "Christophe" being a size medium", and "Christophe Special" being a size
> large. It was not until 1977 coincident to their revising the logo markings
> on these toe clips that Christophe introduced the "Christophe Special X"
> model which would be size extra large "
> Norm Lafleur
> Ashfield, Massachusetts
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Harvey Sachs" <>
> To: "kevin sayles" <>
> Cc: <>; "Classic Rendezvous"
> <>
> Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 9:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip
> > Here's my understanding of Christophe toe clips:
> > short: small Christophe, perpendicular to length of toe clip
> > medium: larger Christophe, parallel to length
> > long: Christophe Special, parallel to length.
> >
> > earlier: underline, single line font.
> > later: no underline, outline (double line) font.
> >
> > I don't know the date of the transition, but I have some almost completely
> > de-plated "old" ones that I've suspected might be 50s or before. I don't
> > know...
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > harvey sachs
> > mcLean va.
> >
> > kevin sayles wrote:
> >
> >> Harvey,
> >> I have two pair of Christophe special [long] pair has
> >> 'Christophe special' with the lower part of the 'C' forming a underline,
> >> these have been used and are in good condition, though show signs of
> >> chrome loss on the section where the toe strap passes through the hoop
> >> [probably from scraping along the ground when bike being wheeled]
> >>
> >> The second pair seem to be unused and have Christophe special, but no
> >> underlining, and the style of writing for Christophe is 'double' there
> >> must be a name for this....but it escapes me......I guess these are the
> >> later type?
> >>
> >> Let me know off-line if any help........BTW just what is the difference
> >> between the Christophe 'special' and non-special clips...apart from the
> >> stamping and seemingly a higher price?
> >>
> >> cheers
> >> Kevin Sayles
> >> Bridgwater Somerset UK
> >>
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Harvey Sachs" <>
> >> To: "Classic Rendezvous" <>
> >> Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 12:52 PM
> >> Subject: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip
> >>
> >>
> >>> Need one orphan old-logo Christophe toe clip in good rider condition for
> >>> my PX-10 rebuild. The right (or left, they're the same) clip will say
> >>> "Christophe special" on the top of the clip, underlined, in single width
> >>> type (not outline, like the later ones). Or a pair, if you have a pair
> >>> to sell.
> >>>
> >>> NOS not wanted for this bruised and battered veteran of the NYC and
> >>> Boston war zones. :-)
> >>>
> >>> thanks,
> >>>
> >>> harvey sachs
> >>> mcLean va